Nordic Labour Inspection Conference 2024
The Nordic Labour Inspection Conference 2024
The Nordic work environment authorities continue to have long-lasting collaborations between the countries. An important and reoccurring element of this cooperation is the Nordic Work Environment Conference, which is organised biennially on a rotating basis between the Nordic countries. In 2024 the conference was hosted by Norway.
During the two-day conference, paticipants explored and discussed current events within the field of occupational health and safety in the Nordics.
The target group for this conference is representatives from the Nordic work environment authorities.
- Report: Work today and in the future: Work-related fatalities, diseases and costs in the Nordic countries
- Presentation: Work-related Deaths and Disailities, Jukka Takala
- Presentation: Comments and Data from Sweden, Bengt Järvholm
Pararell Sessions
Occupational Hygiene
- Presentation: Denmark
- Presentation: Finland
- Presentation: Iceland
- Presentation: Norway
- Presentation: Sweden
Ergonomic Work Environment
Psycho-social Work Environment
- Presentation: Denmark
- Presentation: Finland
- Presentation: Iceland
- Presentation: Norway
- Presentation: Sweden
Work-related Accidents
- Presentation: Denmark
- Presentation: Finland
- Presentation: Iceland
- Presentation: Norway
- Presentation: Sweden
Work-related Crime and Social Dumping
Watch the presentation of the report
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Contact person
Julia Hemgård
Project Manager & Communications Advisor
NIVA Education