The Nordic Institute for Advanced
Education in Occupational Health
We provide advanced education for researchers,
practitioners and specialists in the field of
occupational health and safety
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Navigating Respiratory Health in the Workplace: From Risks to Prevention
Did you know that at least 15% of adult respiratory diseases could be prevented by addressing workplace exposures? We spoke with Vivi Schlünssen, course leader for the upcoming course, “Occupational Respiratory Diseases – From Risk Factors to Prevention,” about the three-day course in Denmark this May. Background and Interest in the Field Vivi Schlünssen has … Continued

About us
NIVA is the only institute in Europe that focuses solely on an international and advanced level of occupational education – course participants are accepted regardless of where in the world they come from.
Nordic co-operation
Nordic co-operation is one of the world’s most extensive forms of regional collaboration, involving Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. These countries together form the Nordic region – Norden – which comprises approximately 26 million people