Propose a course

Why organise a course with NIVA?

At NIVA, we make organising advanced courses effortless so you can focus entirely on developing and delivering the content of the course. Here’s how we support you:

Complete event planning and management
NIVA handles all logistics, including bookings, participant communication, and on-site coordination.

Dedicated support
Our experienced team ensures a smooth process from start to finish, so you can concentrate on teaching and sharing your expertise.

International networking
Expand your professional reach and collaborate with like-minded experts.

Course leaders and lecturers are paid for their contributions.

All expenses covered:
NIVA covers all costs for travel, accommodation, and meals for course leaders and lecturers.

Who can organise a course with NIVA?

An expert or research institute can submit a course proposal that they see as having:

Nordic relevance
The course leader is expected to present a Nordic network of prominent experts in the subject area of the course.

Relevance to work environment or working conditions
Our focus areas cover a wide range of topics related to occupational health and safety:

  • Chemical and physical work environments
  • Safety and accident prevention
  • Productivity and economic factors
  • Emerging technologies, such as digitalisation and AI
  • Psychosocial and organisational work environments
  • Safety culture and chemical risk management

Relevance to sustainable economies and labour markets
In line with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Vision 2030, it is desirable that the course contributes to one or more of these criteria in relation to sustainable economies and labour markets:

  1. Decent jobs in the green transition
  2. Orderly conditions in the labour market
  3. A good and safe work environment

Course formats

On-site courses
On-site courses offer great opportunities for face-to-face networking with shared meals and a social program.

These courses have a higher threshold for participation due to the higher course price, travel costs, and the need to set aside more time.

Consequently, on-site courses usually have smaller groups of participants, mostly from the Nordic Region.

Online courses
NIVA has provided online courses since 2020 with very good experiences.

The online format is an excellent opportunity to reach far beyond the Nordic Region. Roughly half of all participants join us from Central and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, while the other half join us from the Nordic countries.

Our online courses provide an excellent opportunity to share your research worldwide, connect with OHS experts and practitioners across the globe, and discuss issues on a global scale.

A webinar is a short online event lasting between one and five hours.

It usually consists of a lecture and some interaction with participants, but much less than in an online or on-site courses, with very limited opportunities for networking.

The number of participants can be up to 100 or more.

Instructions for planning a NIVA course

Before submitting a course proposal, please read through our instructions on what to expect when planning and implementing a NIVA course in respect of the roles of the different actors, time schedule, budget, marketing etc.

Planning a NIVA course

The benefits of organising a course with NIVA


The deadline for proposals for courses due to be organized in 2026 is 31 January 2025.

The NIVA board, which consists of one representative from each Nordic country, selects the courses.

Course proposal form

Would you like more information on how we process your personal information? See our privacy policy.

  • The NIVA board and/or project manager may suggest another format, based on the overall combination of courses and topics for the year. The more flexible you are in terms of format, the more likely it is that your event will be accepted.
  • Describe the demand and who the course is intended for.
  • Please state what is the relevance to the work environment or working conditions, and whether the course relates to one or more of our primary subject areas mentioned above.
  • In line with the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Vision 2030, please state how the course contributes to one or more of these criteria in relation to sustainable economies and labour markets: (1) decent jobs in the green transition, (2) orderly conditions in the labour market, and (3) a good and safe work environment.
  • The course leader is expected to present a Nordic network of prominent experts in the subject area of the course (lecturers from at least two Nordic countries).
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.