Course leader Andrea Eriksson on the importance of Health Promoting and Sustainable Leadership
Course leader presentation: Andrea Eriksson
Health Promoting and Sustainable Leadership, 15th – 17th of November 2022, Clarion Hotel Sign, Stockholm, Sweden
Andrea Eriksson, we are very happy to have you back as one of the course leaders for our course on Health Promoting and Sustainable Leadership in November. Could you tell us a little bit about yourself for those participants that have not yet had the pleasure to participate on the course.
I work as an associate professor at the division of Ergonomics at KTH. The main research area concerns development of health promoting and sustainable leadership. My research has also been focusing on organizational development and learning processes promoting employees’ health and engagement. During recent years my research has also expanded to include for example how to develop an inclusive work environment for LGBTQI-people.
Why do you think that Health Promoting and Sustainable Leadership is an important and current issue to discuss in 2022?
There exists extensive research and knowledge on the impact of leadership on employees’ health and well-being. The challenge is for managers to implement this knowledge into their daily leadership practices – especially in today’s often demanding, intense and changeable working life. Besides giving knowledge on key aspects of health promoting and sustainable leadership in a modern working life context, the course will integrate current leadership challenges identified in ongoing research. This includes for example digitalization of work following the COVID-19 pandemic or an inclusive leadership for a diverse workforce.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
The course will offer the participants knowledge, reflections and tools for how a leadership can be developed that promotes employees’ well-being and healthy engagement. Assignments and reflections during the course will give opportunities for participants to focus on aspects and improvement areas that relevant within their own work organizations/working life context.
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: 13th of October 2022