Title: Dr, Senior scientist, Institute for Work & Health, CA
Dr. Emile Tompa is a senior scientist at the Institute for Work & Health. Tompa is a labour and health economist with an MBA from the University of British Columbia, an MA in economics from the University of Toronto, and a PhD in economics from McMaster University. He is also director of the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy, a seven-year initiative recently funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant. Tompa’s research interests include the consequences of occupational health and safety system design on the health and well-being of individuals and populations, the economic evaluation of workplace interventions for improving the health and well-being of workers, the economic burden of adverse health conditions, and the analysis of disability policy systems.
Dr. Emile Tompa is one of the lecturers on our course on The Economics of Occupational Safety and Health, 27th – 29th of April 2020 at Quality Hotel The Mill, Malmö, Sweden.