Strategic Management of well-being at work

Did you know that just in Finland, 25 billion euro is lost every year due to lost work ability. That´s a big sum. Even though companies invest 1,8 billion euros every year in employee well-being, it doesn’t seem to be enough.By managing it properly, personnel well-being is both possible and highly economically feasible. By promoting strategic … Continued

Global warming affects working life at all latitudes.

Blog post by Hannu Rintamäki / Finnish Institute for Occupational Health Global warming is unavoidably increasing. The Northern hemisphere is heating up even faster than the Southern hemisphere. Yet cold is still the major problem at work in the North and, quite paradoxically, more workers than previously risk exposure to cold weather, writes Hannu Rintamäki, … Continued

Release your creative skills by colouring!

Blog post by Minna Huotilainen / The Finnish Institute for Occupational Health Colouring during intensive listening tasks can improve your focus and concentration. Why not have some colouring books and pens in your coffee room at work? A few minutes of colouring is also a fun way to relax and create positive energy! writes … Continued

Bærekraft er veien vi går

The Secretary General’s blog Blogginnlegg 03/02/2015 Et bærekraftig samfunn er ikke et fjernt mål som vår etterslekt kanskje når. Bærekraft må bli veien vi går. Dersom vi ikke bremser den negative utviklingen verden er inne i, vil vi om 15 år ha behov for to planeter for å dekke vårt ressursbehov. Det sier seg … Continued