“My engagement in work and health research is driven by a global vision of building capacity in workplaces to prevent and manage work disability”
25th of May 2018

Course leader presentation: Ulrik Gensby
From Research to Practice in Occupational Health and Safety, 27th–29th August 2018, Sinatur Hotel Frederiksdal, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Presentation of Ulrik Gensby, Social Scientist, TeamArbejdsliv Aps and Assistant Professor, Linköping University, Sweden
I have a PhD in Work and Health. My doctoral thesis focused on how employers can establish and operate a comprehensive work disability management approach. I am currently leading and participating in research on the concept of knowledge transfer and exchange, and how various stakeholders and decision-makers perceive and experience their role in policy and programs, and the conditions that facilitate or hinder return to work and workplace disability management.
My engagement in work and health research is driven by a global vision of building capacity in workplaces to prevent and manage work disability. I take a practice-oriented and interactive research approach to knowledge creation and mobilization for continuous improvement of organizational policies and practices across various sectors and industries.
On the topic From Research to Practice in Occupational Health and Safety
Developing a healthy and sustainable working life require relevant knowledge on prevention and management. This calls for increased attention to the uptake and societal impact of occupational health and safety research. Thus, there is an urgent need to highlight how exchange processes between researchers and research users can increase the uptake of research findings and provide researchers with new perspectives and tools on how knowledge creation and exchange can be put into practice. Work and health research institutions and researchers could view it as a scientific task to study ways to build in some form of knowledge exchange and capacity building with relevant stakeholders to mobilize specific competencies and problem-solving among workplace parties.
On this year’s course
The objectives of the course are to give the participants up-to-date knowledge about concepts, methods and approaches on how to increase the value and use of occupational health and safety research for researchers, institutions and research users. In addition, the course will discuss how to engage practitioners in the research process to adopt research to local conditions and make research more relevant to practical problem-solving and utilization.
Participants with different disciplinary and professional backgrounds will be given the opportunity to present their projects and share their experiences with knowledge transfer and exchange in an interactive way to explore and discuss how a knowledge transfer and exchange approach may be relevant for their own work. The coursework and lecturers will give the participants input and feedback on how to proceed with knowledge transfer and exchange strategies and methods in their future research and dialogue with relevant stakeholders.
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: 1st of August 2018