Safe Patient Handling and Movement
About this course
Focusing on good working conditions in the healthcare sector is vital for employers and healthcare workers since health and safety risks and injuries are common.
Patient handling and movement is a common situation where work injuries occur in healthcare, especially musculoskeletal disorders.
Based on scientific literature the focus of this course is on prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, methods for risk assessment and interventions promoting safe patient handling and movement.
It is possible to do an extra assignment if you want to receive ECTS credits for this course. Read more below.
Price Information
The price of the course consists of the course fee of EUR 500
and the day package of choice.
Day package I
This package includes:
- conference facilities and technical equipment
- course material
- coffees, lunches
- dinners and the social program on Wednesday.
We strongly encourage you to take part in the social program, as this is a vital part of the NIVA course experience. We believe in the power of networking and strive to create an inspiring possibility for that through the social program.
The total price of the course is EUR 875 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee I EUR 375).
Day package II
This package includes:
- conference facilities and technical equipment
- course material
- coffees, lunches
Kindly note that the day package II does not include dinners nor the social program.
The total price of the course is EUR 700 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee II EUR 200).
18st -20th of October 2022 at Scandic Linköping City
NIVA has made a block reservation for the accommodation 18-20 of October 2022 at Scandic Linköping City.
To book a room from the block reservation kindly contact the hotel directly through the hotel website: Please use the booking code BNIV171022 when booking the room (available until 20.9.2022).
The room price for a single standard room is EUR 120/night (including breakfast).
Course objectives
The overall aim of this course is to increase participants knowledge in the area of risk factors for occupational musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare, safety systems, methods for risk assessment and interventions promoting safe patient manual handling in the healthcare sector. The aim is also learn from different hands-on strategies on how to develop patient handling training approaches for healthcare workers.
Main Topics
The objectives of the course is to summarize research and discuss clinical implication in the areas of following objectives:
• Health and safety risks and injuries in the healthcare sector.
• Musculoskeletal disorders in the healthcare sector –prevalence and risk factors; physical workload; organisational and psychosocial factors; individual factors.
• Safety systems and safety climate and systematic work environment management in healthcare organisations.
• Models of human factors and ergonomics in healthcare
• Policies and guidelines for Safe Patient Handling and Movement.
• Interventions and Work Equipment promoting Safe Patient Handling and Movement
• Worker participation – a successful approach in training healthcare workers.
• Strategies to develop patient handling training approaches for healthcare workers.
• Collaboration between stakeholders, a prerequisite for providing interventions for safe patient handling and movement.
• E-learning courses – combining digital training and practice for safe moving and handling people.
Target groups
• Occupational health professionals (physicians, ergonomists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.)
• Rehabilitation professionals
• Educators in patient manual handling
• Researchers
• PhD students and students at post-master level
• Labour market inspectors
ECTS points for university
If you would like ECTS points for the course, you can do an extra assignment in form of a reflection paper. The assignment includes the following aspects:
• Read recommended research papers (7 papers covering the topics of the course to be found here).
• Write a paper with your reflections (2 pages) focusing on:
– If you were to do a research study, how should you design the study based on the content of the course?
– Argue for relevant interventions, why do you want to do this intervention at the workplace. Argue for different measurement and refer to relevant literature.
Deadline for the assignment is the 28th of October 2022.
The estimated workload for attending the course, reading, and writing reflection paper
is 30 hours in total, which gives you one (1) ECTS credit. You will need to apply for the credits at your university yourself. If you have questions concerning the assignment, please contact course leader Charlotte Wåhlin,
Subject background
Musculoskeletal disorders are prevalent among healthcare workers. There is a need to pay attention to how occupational injuries can be prevented in the healthcare sector. This goes for both acutely induced injuries (accidents) that occur suddenly, e.g. during patient handling, and the long-term development of MSD that gradually gets worse. Also how evidence based methods for risk assessment and interventions promoting safe patient handling can be used in clinical practice.
General course fee and cancellation information
The courses and workshops vary in price. Please note that the course fee does not cover meals or accommodation. The course fee and day-package fee are invoiced after the registration deadline.
Travel arrangements
Please refrain from booking any travel tickets until we have confirmed the course. The confirmation, which will be sent at the latest after the registration deadline, will include detailed information on the payment of the course fee and day-packages, as well as information on practical arrangements.
Please note that you are not insured by NIVA.
Cancellation policy
Cancellations received by September, 15th 2022: full refund
Cancellations received by September, 16th 2022 or later: no refund
The total price of the course will be invoiced after the registration deadline.
The price is subject to minor changes.
Contact person
Course leader
Charlotte Wåhlin
PhD, Associate professor, ergonomist, Occupational Medicine, Linköping University hospital, Region Östergötland & Linköping University, Sweden
In practical matters, please contact:
Project Manager & Quality Assurance Advisor
Cecilia Weckman