Promoting Occupational Safety and Health in Dentistry Organisations

This course focuses on health promotion and aspects of occupational safety and health in dental organisations. It will cover present knowledge on well-being, work engagement, work conditions, job resources and demands in dentistry as well as occupational exposure and prevention of musculoskeletal and mental disorders. It integrates scientific findings, rules and regulations from a European and a gender perspective and clinical experience in dentistry for effective workplace interventions and work adaptations.
Course Summary |
25th – 26th of November 2025 | |
Onsite course | |
Radisson Blu Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden | |
Deadline 9th of October 2025 | |
EUR 700-850 (depending on day package) | |
Register now |
Price information
The price of the course consists of the course fee of EUR 500 and the day package of choice.
Day package I
This package includes:
- conference facilities and technical equipment
- course material
- coffees, lunches
- the social program and dinner on Tuesday November 25th
We strongly encourage you to take part in the social program, as this is a vital part of the NIVA course experience. We believe in the power of networking and strive to create an inspiring possibility for that through the social program.
The total price of the course is EUR 850 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 350)
Day package II
This package includes:
- conference facilities and technical
- equipment
- course material
- coffees and lunches
Kindly note that the day package II does not include the social program nor the dinner.
The total price of the course is EUR 700 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 200).
24th – 26th of November 2025 at Radisson Blu Uppsala, Sweden
NIVA has made a block reservation for the accommodation 24th to 26th of November 2025 at Radisson Blu Uppsala, Sweden.
To book a room from the block kindly make the reservation through this link. The block booking is available until 13.10.2025.
The room price for a standard room is SEK 1495 /night including breakfast (approximately EUR 130/night).
The block reservation will be available until 13th of October 2025.
Course objectives
The overall aim of the course is to enhance participants’ understanding of occupational safety and health in dental organisations. The course encompasses various aspects ranging from well-being at work, job demands to prevention of work-related disorders to work interventions at the individual, group, and organisational levels.
After completing the course, participants will grasp both theoretical research and practical insights into well-being and occupational safety and health within dental organisations.
Main topics
The objectives of the course is to summarise research and discuss clinical implication in the areas of following objectives:
• Salutogenic Approach to Workplace Health in Dental Care: Exploring methods focused on fostering health and well-being, positive work psychology
• Systematic Work Environment Management for Health with a gender conscious approach: The manager’s and employees’ role in systematic risk assessment and how to implement structured approaches to enhance the safety and overall health of dental professionals
• Job resources and demands in dentistry, different types of well-being: work engagement, workaholism, burnout, and job boredom
• The relationship between work environment and quality of dental care. How improvement of psychosocial work conditions can be beneficial for the organisation as well as for employees, and the patients
• Safety Systems and Culture in Dental Organisations: cultivating a culture prioritising safety
• Individual adjustments and work place adaptations in dental organisations
• Musculoskeletal and Mental Disorders in Dental Organisations: Understanding exposure, prevalence, underlying risk factors, and their impact on dental professionals
• Ergonomics in Dental Practice: Optimising use of dental chair and work equipment and other ergonomic considerations to enhance practitioner comfort
• Collaboration among Stakeholders for Workplace Safety: Understanding the roles of employers, employees, labour inspectors and Occupational Health Service experts in promoting a safe work environment through collaboration and mutual support
Target groups
• Dental health professionals and managers in dental organisations
• Occupational health professionals (physicians, ergonomists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.)
• Labour inspectors
• Researchers
• PhD students and students at post-master level
Subject background
Dentistry is known to pose significant health and safety risks, leading to common occupational injuries. Among dental professionals, the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain in the neck/shoulder and lower back as well as burnout is notably high, presenting a substantial occupational challenge. In addition to occupational health risks, dentistry is also known for many health-enhancing job resources and high levels of work engagement. Prioritising favorable working conditions within dental organisations is crucial for fostering sustainable working lives. Embracing a salutogenic approach offers an additional and valuable perspective on the health and work environment for dental professionals.
Effective and gender conscious management of the work environment, marked by systematic and structured methods, stands as a cornerstone in all dental practices. This course centers on a salutogenic approach to address occupational exposure, prevent musculoskeletal and mental disorders, and implement interventions benefiting individuals and organisations while promoting occupational health. This emphasis draws from scientific literature, rules, and regulations. The nature of tasks, work content, job demands, exposure, and the opportunity for movement and variation during the workday impact employee safety and health. An essential element involves having an evidence-based approach, drawing upon the most recent research findings. This approach takes into account workplace conditions, aligns with workplace needs, and integrates the valuable experiences of managers and dental professionals as well as healthcare professionals and consultants providing interventions.
General course fee and cancellation information
The courses and workshops vary in price. Please note that the course fee does not cover meals or accommodation. The course fee and day-package fee are invoiced after the registration deadline (you can also pay the course with credit card).
Travel arrangements
Please refrain from booking any travel tickets until we have confirmed the course. The confirmation, which will be sent at the latest after the registration deadline, will include detailed information on the payment of the course fee and day-packages, as well as information on practical arrangements. Please note that you are not insured by NIVA.
Cancellation policy
Cancellations received by October 9th, 2025: full refund
Cancellations received by October 10th, 2025 or later: no refund
The total price of the course will be invoiced after the registration deadline (you can also pay the course with credit card).
The price is subject to minor changes.
Contact persons
Course leader
Charlotte Wåhlin
Associate professor and ergonomist
Occupational and environmental Medicine, Region Östergötland and Linköping University, Sweden
In practical matters, please contact:
Project Manager
Nora Tobiasson
Course Summary |
25th – 26th of November 2025 | |
Onsite course | |
Radisson Blu Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden | |
Deadline 9th of October 2025 | |
EUR 700-850 (depending on day package) | |
Register now |