Positive Psychology at Work

28th – 30th of August 2017
Radisson Blu Saga Hotel, Reykjavík, Iceland

For researchers and practitioners within occupational health and human resource management. Number of participants: maximum 30.

About this course

How to develop workplaces, work tasks and social relationships at work to provide people with best opportunities for self-fulfillment, growth and good performance? How to enhance individual resources and motivation at workplaces e.g. via leadership so that employees will be creative, innovative, engaged, committed and productive at their work?

Price information

The price of the course consists of the course fee of EUR 500
and the day package of choice.

Day package I

This package includes:

  • conference facilities and technical equipment
  • course material
  • coffees, lunches
  • dinners and the social program on Tuesday.

We strongly encourage you to take part in the social program, as this is a vital part of the NIVA course experience. We believe in the power of networking (between people) and strive to create an inspiring possibility for that through the social program.

The total price of the course is EUR 950 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 450).

EUR 450

Day package II

This package includes:

  • conference facilities and technical equipment
  • course material
  • coffees and lunches.

Kindly note that the day package II does not include dinners nor the social program.

The total price of the course is EUR 700 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 200).

EUR 200


26th – 28th of October 2020 at Hotel Hanaholmen, Espoo, Finland.

To book a room from the block kindly make the reservation directly to the hotel by email to reception@hanaholmen.fi using the booking code “NIVA” (available until 2.10.2020).

Single The room price for a single standard room is EUR 115/night (including breakfast, morning sauna and access to the pool) and the price for a double room EUR 134/night (including breakfast, morning sauna and access to the pool). room: 128 €/night (including breakfast).

The block reservation will be available until 2nd of October 2020.

EUR 115 – 134 / night

Course objectives

The purpose of the course is to present and discuss some key concepts – for example work engagement, positive leadership, and job crafting – in work life positive psychology. Focus will also be on practical measures and positive interventions building on the job and personal resources. The course aims to facilitate research as well as practice from a positive psychology perspective by:

  • Outlining theoretical relationship and associations between these concepts
  • Proposing and discussing methodological issues and effective and innovative intervention strategies.

General course fee information

The courses and workshops vary in price. Please note that the course fee does not cover meals or accommodation. The course fee and day-package fee are invoiced after the registration deadline. Travel arrangements Please refrain from booking any tickets until we have confirmed the course. The confirmation, which will be sent after the registration deadline, will include detailed information on the payment of the course fee and day-packages, as well as information on accommodation options and practical arrangements. Please note that you are not insured by NIVA.

Subject background

The critical questions at workplaces realizing the importance of human resources for successful business are related to enhancing utilization of human potential. How to develop workplaces, work tasks and social relationships at work to provide people with best opportunities for self-fulfillment, growth and good performance? How to enhance individual resources and motivation at workplaces e.g. via leadership so that employees will be creative, innovative, engaged, committed and productive at their work? And what can employees themselves do to make their jobs more engaging and meaningful? The topic of this course is to present some important concepts of positive psychology research at workplaces and to evaluate the added value of positive psychology on workplaces in practice.

Thanks to the rise of positive psychology positive experiences of fulfillment and happiness are more often focused in occupational work psychology thus expanding the “traditional” topics such as loss, suffering, sickness, and distress. The main focus of positive work psychology is the processes of human flourishing and optimal functioning and how these processes relate to health, balance and meaningful lives. By understanding the basic elements of positive work psychology, we can gain broader and more holistic understanding of human beings. In work and organizational settings, positive psychology contributes to understand not only how to prevent disability and sick leave, but also to inspire strategies for promoting long term health, longer work careers, innovativeness, and productivity. Moreover, positive work psychology concerns the influence and enhancement of motivation, initiative, engagement and commitment in employees – aspects that constitute an important competitive edge, especially in knowledge management companies and organizations.

Course leader

Jari Hakanen

Jari Hakanen

  • Research professor, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, University of Helsinki, Finland
Maria Peeters

Maria Peeters

  • Professor, PhD, Utrecht University, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Course lecturers

Anne Birgitta Pessi

  • Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland

Georg Bauer

Jessica de Bloom

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Social Research, University of Tampere, Finland

Karina Andersen Aas

Wilmar Schaufeli

  • Professor, University of Leuven, Belgium & Utrecht University, The Netherlands

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