WEBINAR: How Does Work Well-being Transform to Money?

19th of November 2020
Online webinar

About the webinar

In many companies the economic potential of work well-being activity is not realized and exploited.  One of the reasons is that work well-being activity is viewed as merely a cost factor. It is also considered to be a peripheral activity, not belonging to the core activities of the company.

Despite abundant research indicating that promotion of work well-being is basically profitable for the corporations the management in most organizations fail to see the financial potential of improving the working conditions of their personnel. Finnish cases indicate that companies can benefit up to 20 % of their profits by investing in their personnel.

The purpose of this webinar is to present the mechanisms which transform activities which promote work well-being into financial benefits of companies or improved effectiveness of public organizations.

About the lecturer

Professor Guy Ahonen is an active researcher in the economic aspects of work well-being and retired professor of human resource accounting from Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki. He has been research professor and director of knowledge management at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH). He has published several books and scholarly articles about the economic effects of the work environment and its promotion.

Most recently he and his colleagues published the report Management and Productivity (Johtaminen ja tuottavuus, Aalto University 2019), which shows that there is a clear positive relationship between work well-being activity and productivity.

He is also the course leader of NIVA’s upcoming three-day course on the same topic in February 2021. For more information see HERE

Contact person

Linda Vänskä 3

Cecilia Weckman


Guy Ahonen

  • Professor, Human resource accounting, Helsinki, FI

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