“According to recent research, good quality in work environment is able to support health and well-being of employees”
3rd of August 2017

Course leader presentation: Virpi Ruohomäki
Workspaces Promoting Well-being, 12th – 14th of September 2017, Hanasaari, Espoo (Helsinki area), Finland
What is your background?
I am professional work and organizational psychologist acting as the senior research scientist and project leader in Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) since 2011. Before that I worked as Project manager, lecturer and post-doc researcher in Aalto University, in Work Psychology and Leadership in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management.
I am Doctor of philosophy (Aalto University), Licenciate of Technology (Aalto Univeristy), Master of psychology (University of Helsinki) and I have conducted Post doc studies in Stanford University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).
My specialities are health and well-being at work, knowledge work, work and workplace design, human centred and participatory design, digitalization, teamwork, telework, multilocational and mobile work, sustainability.
If you want to know more you can find me on LinkedIn.
Why do think that Workspaces Promoting Well-being is an important and current issue to discuss in 2017? What is new in the field?
Health and well-being will be the growing new trend in workplace design. According to recent research, good quality in work environment is able to support health and well-being of employees and other users of the building.
This new course will provide you a novel salutogenic and participatory approach for workplace design with new research results and practical examples as well as methodologies in the Nordic context. Top lecturers will open new perspectives and opportunities in the field.
The first day of the course will focus on the on the health care work environments and hospitals that are under great pressure to develop. Participation for engaging workspaces and evidence based co-design will be introduced.
The second day of the course will focus on the modern office environments and their usability from the users’ perspective. Good practices and development needs of managing workplace changes will be presented.
The third day will concentrate on developing knowledge work performance in work environment change as well as the importance of acoustic design in offices.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
You will have an opportunity to share your research or practical activities with a poster or oral presentation, and to discuss and learn from others within a network of experts. We will also visit a company with a new workplace concept. This multidisciplinary course is suitable e.g. for workplace designers and managers, occupational health and safety professionals, human resources managers and developers as well as researchers. You are warmly welcome!
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: 8th of August 2017