“2017 is also characterized by a shift in political dialogue and sentiment towards diversity is changing.”
7th of April 2017

Course leader presentation: Barbro E Schauman
Diversity and Inclusion Management, 7th – 9th of June, 2017, Soria Moria Hotel, Oslo, Norway
What is your background?
My name is Barbro Schauman and I work as a senior lecturer in Organisation and management at the Business School of Åbo Akademi University in Finland. I am not actually an expert of diversity management but I have a lot of experience from several themes within the diversity field. I have written my doctoral thesis about gender construction in organizations, been a part of projects on both spirituality in organizations and age management. As NIVA offers courses in age management, we decided to replace it with race and ethnicity in the course plan for this project.
Why is diversity and inclusion management an important and current issue to discuss in 2017? What is new in the field?
We live in a global world with people of different backgrounds cooperating over borders and across cultures and political ideologies. As borders become less significant and migration is increasing, the ability to include and successfully lead people of different backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses is ever more important. 2017 is also characterized by a shift in political dialogue and sentiment towards diversity is changing. This poses new challenges in managing shifts in attitudes towards diversity both within organizations and overall.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
The aim of this course is to provide the participants with both a theoretical framework, empirical examples and a toolbox with lots of practical tools for your work with diversity issues in your organization. I recommend that you analyze the situation concerning gender, religion, race and ethnicity in your organization before the course.
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: 21st of April 2017