“My main interest has always been in the field of reproductive medicine”
6th of March 2023

Course leader presentation: Lars Rylander
Occupational Hazards and Reproductive Health, 25th – 27th of April 2023, Malmö, Sweden
Lars Rylander, you are one of the course leaders on our course “Occupational Hazards and Reproductive Health”. Can you tell us a little something about your background?
I am an epidemiologist and professor at the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at Lund University. My thesis which I defended almost 25 years ago was investigating the association between organochlorine compounds (PCB, dioxin, etc) and reproductive outcomes.
As an epidemiologist you normally are involved in studies within different areas, but my main interest has always been in the field of reproductive medicine. Most of the projects I have been involved in have investigated fetal exposures to different exposures that are present in the occupational environment as well as in the surrounding environment, such as endocrine disruptors and air pollution. In the Nordic countries we have the possibility to combine information from registers with analyses from biobanks which have been used in many of our projects. I have also been involved in project focusing on specific occupations such as hairdressers.
Why do you think that Occupational Hazards and Reproductive Health is an important and current issue to discuss in 2023?
With so many women in fertile age working it is of great importance to increase the knowledge regarding which exposures that are harmful for the women and for the unborn child. Moreover, it is important that both authorities and employers have the knowledge in the area that is needed to provide employees with the best possible working environment. In addition, I think it is crucial to take the male perspective in consideration when dealing with reproductive health.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
I have previously been part of this course several times as a participant, teacher and course leader, and the course has always given me an opportunity to update current knowledge. In addition, the course has given me a broad network within this research field which I think is of great value. My hope is that the current participants will leave the course with the same positive experience that I had, and that they feel that we had enough space in the program for discussions of their own challenges.
More information: Course webpage
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: March 23rd 2023