Virpi Ruohomäki

“Workplaces and office design should enhance well-being and performance of employees”

25th of May 2021

Course leader presentation: Virpi Ruohomäki

Workspaces Promoting Well-being
21st – 23rd of September 2021, Hanaholmen Conference Hotel, Helsinki area, Finland

What is your background?

I am working as Senior Researcher Scientist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. I have a PhD in work and organizational psychology from Aalto University. My specialties are health and well-being at work, telework/remote work, multilocational work, teamwork, work and workplace design as well as workplace change management. I have strong experience in research and development projects with companies, university level teaching and training as well as media collaboration.

I am the principal investigator in the research project by the Academy of Finland titled “Spatial solution for environmental satisfaction, well-being and work engagement in activity based offices”.

I am leading research in the project called “Health and well-being in telework and multi-locational work”.

Why do you think that workspaces promoting well-being is an important and current issue to discuss in 2021?

The course objective is to provide an interdisciplinary overview of workspaces promoting health and well-being of employees. The aim is to gain an understanding of new types of remote work and multi-locational work as well as post-pandemic office workplaces.

There is a growing interest in workplaces promoting health and well-being. Discussions on post-pandemic workplaces is a relevant topic in organizations. Where and how to work in the future? What kind of workplaces support employees’ satisfaction, well-being and performance?
Remote work and multi-locational work is getting more common and an increasing number of knowledge workers will work both at the office and at home. At the same time, the quality of workplace is getting more relevant. Workplaces and office design should enhance well-being and performance of employees.

What do you want to say to the participants of the course?

We have excellent keynote speakers in Prof. Matti Vartiainen from Aalto University and Prof. Rianne Appel-Meulenbroek from Eindhoven University of Technology. They will talk about the following hot topics:
• Remote multi-locational work: prerequisites, challenges and outcomes
• Development of sustainable remote work
• Workplace design for physical, mental and social well-being at the office and at home

We have a wonderful multi-disciplinary program with new research findings and practical guidelines. We also have an interesting excursion to a modern activity-based office in Helsinki.
Main topics are the following:
• Architectural and user-centred approach to spatial understanding of activity-based offices
• Effects of activity-based offices on well-being and productivity
• The role of adaptive lighting in supporting personalized well-being
• Room acoustics and sound insulation – the fundamental factors of well-being and functional working spaces
• Workplace change process and satisfaction with activity-based office

This course brings together workplace researchers, designers and managers. Participants also have an opportunity to present their own research or practical work and get valuable feedback.

For the participants, this course makes an excellent opportunity for meeting, learning, discussing, co-creating new ideas and networking together with a friendly feeling. You are warmly welcome!

More informationCourse web page
RegistrationCourse registration
Last registration date: August 29th 2021


Course Leader Presentation