“When a worker is unable to resume or remain at work because of a health problem, it affects not only the individual”
22nd of April 2021
Course leader presentation: Emilie Friberg
Work Disability Prevention – Bridging research and practice
14th – 18th of June 2021, Online course
Short presentation
Emilie Friberg is an associate professor of epidemiology with extensive experience in cohort analyses, database management, and use of register data. Since 2011 she applies this knowledge on the field of insurance medicine, focusing mainly on risk factors and consequences of sickness absence in relation to specific diagnoses, primarily multiple sclerosis and traffic injuries, as well as on interactions between sickness absentees, healthcare professionals, and the social insurance. She is alumni of the Canadian CIHR funded transdisciplinary WDP-program and a researcher and research group leader at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden.
Why is work disability prevention an important and current issue to discuss in 2021?
When a worker is unable to resume or remain at work because of a health problem it has impact not only on the individual in terms of both social and economic consequences, especially if the work disability becomes long term. It also impacts their families, employers, policy makers, insurers, healthcare providers and society at large. In constantly surprises me that these issues don’t receive even more attention.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
The participants will leave with a better understanding of the complexities of WDP and the different perspectives one can adopt, as well as practical knowledge related to the design and evaluation of WDP research.
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: May 10th 2021