“There is growing pressure to substitute dangerous substances by less dangerous ones”
17th of February 2020

Course leader presentation: Lothar Lieck
Alternative Assessment and Substitution of Dangerous Substances at Work
21st – 23rd of April 2020, Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland
Short presentation
Lothar Lieck has a diploma in Work Science and has written his doctoral thesis on substitution. Lothar is a coordinator of more than 15 large substitution projects in different sectors, the most prominent one is SUBSPORT which you can read more about here.
Lothar is a member of the German National Committee on Dangerous Substances at Work Places (AGS) and develops substitution regulations.
Currently he works as a Senior Project manager at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work and is responsible for the Healthy Workplaces Campaign on Dangerous substances, the e-tool ‘Dangerous Substances’ and the database of good practice tools.
Why is assessment and substitution of dangerous substances a important and current issue to discuss in 2020?
Companies still use too many dangerous substances because they have always used them and they function technically quite well. However, there is growing pressure – from legislation and public – to substitute dangerous substances by less dangerous ones. It is important to get informed about the tools and methods that are adequate to select the least dangerous substances, and that also function for the technical purpose.
What do you want to say to the participants of the course?
This course is one of the best opportunities to learn about the steps that are necessary to transform general concerns to practical action. We will be covering topics such as substitution in the regulation, identification of hazardous chemical agents, alternatives assessment and cost assessment
More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: February 25th 2020