“The possibility to utilize AI in analyzing big data gives new ways of approaching silent signals of safety”

"The possibility to utilize AI in analyzing big data gives new ways of approaching silent signals of safety"

Course leader presentation: Tuula Räsänen

Safety Promotion – Research and Good Practice, 7th – 9th of May 2019, Hanasaari/Hanaholmen, Espoo, Finland

Presentation of Tuula Räsänen, Senior expert at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Solutions for safety

Tuula Räsänen (sociologist and PhD – Tampere University of Technology) has been involved in safety promotion since 1986 in occupational safety research and in development of safety promotion tools for workplaces. Her current work involves studying of new VR-methods for training of occupational safety, especially for construction sites and studying of silent signals of big data material concerning to occupational accidents in Finland. The new VR-learning methods in safety promotion have been developed and tested together with workplaces in 2017 and 2018. The possibility to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) in analyzing big data gives new ways of approaching silent signals of safety by joining various study materials. She is also involved for developing network training methods for the use of safety observation tools for companies like TR360-method (Read more in Finnish here: www.ttl.fi/tr360). Her latest international publications are dealing with the study of effectiveness of occupational safety parks’ training and characteristics and determinants of recurrent occupational accidents (big data study).

What is the course Safety Promotion – Research and Good Practice all about?

This course focuses on new approaches in safety research – what are the key factors behind well going, safe and error-less work. The course covers research of all kinds of accidents, e.g. occupational, home and leisure, traffic, as well as major accidents. The different disciplinary backgrounds have been a clear advantage for the course.

The objectives are to give the participants up-to-date information on accidents and their prevention, and on success factors in safety promotion. Special attention is given on the proportion of human factors, safe behavior resilient work processes and work environment. What does that mean in safety research traditions? Basic concepts will be explained and discussed. The focus is on methodological issues and good research practices will be explored.

What do you want to say to the participants of the course?

An important goal of the course is to help participants to network. Especially young people benefit from the contacts they can create during the course. The previous courses have created contacts for life time. The participants represent different types of organisations. This diversity of backgrounds has given strength to the course and we expect a similar mix of people on this course as well.

More informationCourse web page

RegistrationCourse registration

Last registration date: 20th of March 2019


Course Leader Presentation