Title: PhD, Professor, Maastricht University, NL
Angelique de Rijk (PhD) is an associate professor at the Department of Social Medicine at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. She holds a master in Work and Organisational Psychology and received her PhD in Health Psychology in 1999. Since then, she has focussed her research and education on psychological and sociological theories regarding work disability and re-integration into work. In her current research she focuses on the relationship between labour participation and health, in the light of 1) the effects of constant changes during the life course on work-related health, and the roles of 2) curative health care, 3) employers and 4) (inter)national policy. The focus is on persons with chronic health conditions, with cardiac conditions and cancer in particular. She uses both quantitative and qualitative methods; methods are chosen to fit with the topic, theory and aim of the research.
Regarding research, Angelique de Rijk has contributed to more than 100 publications in international and national journals, books and reports. Currently, she supervises four PhD-students and three post-docs. She has been chair of the revision of the Dutch guideline on Cardiac Rehabilitation in 2008-2011. She has supervised diverse research projects on sickness absence, labour participation of chronically ill, and interventions for return to work. She currently supervises a project financed by the Dutch Cancer foundation on employer perspectives on workers with cancer with the aim to develop a toolbox for employers confronted with cancer among their workers (MiLES project). She is member of the EU Costnetwork CANWON, the CANcer and WOrk Network, and co-ordinates its European study on employer perspectives on cancer in the workplace together with prof. Amir from the UK. Further, she supervises the (cost effectiveness) evaluation of health care interventions and E-interventions to support labour participation of persons with diverse chronic health conditions.
Angelique de Rijk has extensive experience with (professional) training and education. She started her career with the development of in-company training on stress-management for Rabobank Netherlands. Since 1999, she has been involved in the development of diverse new curricula (e.g. master Work, Health and Career; bachelor Health Sciences) at Maastricht University. This included: designing the curriculum; developing new coursebooks and manuals; co-ordinating course planning groups; evaluation of the new courses; and writing quality improvement plans. She has an intensive experience with diverse teaching methods (lecturing for diverse groups, working lectures, tutorials according to problem-based-learning principals, communication and interventions skills training, E-lectures, etc.). Her students vary from those who have just finished high school, those who have finished their bachelor to professionals who are working in HRM, re-integration into work and occupational health.