“It is significant that managers incorporate OHS as a natural part of modern business management”

Course leader presentation: Christina Lunner Kolstrup

Course leader presentation: Christina Lunner Kolstrup

Occupational Health and Safety in Agriculture and Horticulture, 24th – 26th of September 2019, Quality Hotel View, Malmö, Sweden

Presentation of Christina Lunner Kolstrup, Associate Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden

I have my base as an agronomist with specialization within animal husbandry. Though 19 years ago, I changed my focus from animal welfare to a scientific interest in human health and well-being in the agricultural sector.

Why is occupational health and safety in agriculture and horticulture an important and current issue to discuss in 2019?

Occupational health and safety is important in all sectors including agriculture and horticulture; and it is significant that managers incorporate OHS as a natural part of modern business management as well as employees being aware of the challenges and possibilities of healthy and safe work places.

Greetings to the participants of the course

Sustainability in our global agri- and horticultural food systems requires sustainable human health and well-being among those engaged in the sector!

More information: Course web page
Registration: Course registration
Last registration date: July 1st 2019


Course Leader Presentation