Working Hours and Health

16th – 18th of May 2022
Folkhälsan, Helsinki, Finland

Address: Topeliuksenkatu 20, Helsinki

About this course

Shift work and demanding working hours are related to a wide range of public health problems ranging from disturbed sleep and accidents to chronic health problems and challenges in work-life balance. Get an update on the working hour issues and future research and prevention methods.

This course has been accepted as a theoretical course (10 hours) demanded in the medical specialist education in the training programs of occupational health services at the University of Helsinki in Finland. The acceptance is valid for the specialist training programs at the Faculty of Medicine of all Finnish universities.

Price information

The price of the course consists of the course fee of EUR 500 and the day package of choice.

Day package I

This package includes:

  • conference facilities and technical equipment
  • course material
  • coffees, lunches
  • dinners and the social program on Tuesday.

We strongly encourage you to take part in the social program, as this is a vital part of the NIVA course experience. We believe in the power of networking (between people) and strive to create an inspiring possibility for that through the social program.

The total price of the course is EUR 910 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 410).

EUR 410

Day package II

This package includes:

  • conference facilities and technical equipment
  • course material
  • coffees and lunches.

Kindly note that the day package II does not include dinners nor the social program.

The total price of the course is EUR 715 (course fee EUR 500 + day package fee EUR 215).

EUR 215


15th – 19th of May 2022 at Hotel Scandic Meilahti, Helsinki, Finland.

To book a room from the block kindly make the reservation through this link​ or by email to using the booking code “BNIV150522” (available until 14.4.2022).

The room price for a single standard room is EUR 119/night (including breakfast) and the price for a double room EUR 139/night (including breakfast).

The block reservation will be available until 14th of April 2022.

EUR 119

Course objectives

  • To give updated information on the health effects, modifies and individual factors linked to the association of working hours with health and wellbeing
  • To give information on the ways to alleviate and prevent the health problems of demanding working hours in workplaces as well as in occupational health care
  • To give information on the design and correct methodology for the scientific research on working hours and health

WINC – Working hours In the Nordic Countries

Participants at the NIVA Working Hours and Health -course will have the possibility to attend a WINC seminar on Thursday, 19th of May 2022, free of charge (including the seminar lunch). The seminar will focus on latest scientific research on working hours, health and well-being. You are also welcome to send your own abstract to the seminar.

If you are interested in the WINC seminar and would like to receive more information or register yourself as a participant, please click here or contact Mikko Härmä at

WINC is a network for researchers from the Nordic countries with interest in research in working hours.

The aim of WINC is to keep contact among the working hour researchers for scientific follow-up and networking in the Nordic countries. We also discuss possibilities for collaboration across countries and make jointed applications for funding.

Strengthen the impact of Nordic research

In order to form a strong platform for joint future research and thereby strengthen the impact of Nordic research on working hours, we encourage researchers interested in this research area to sign up.

Main topics

  • Night shift work, long and irregular working hours, prevalence and exposure assessment
  • Research methods
  • Working hours, health and well-being
  • Shift scheduling and other countermeasures
  • Specific target groups
  • A satellite symposium to working hour researchers (WINC symposium) after the NIVA course

Target groups

  • Researchers and PhD students
  • OSH experts interested in the evaluation and actions to prevent and alleviate the health effects of demanding working hours

Subject background

Shift work, long and variable working hours are related to a wide range of health problems ranging from disturbed sleep and accidents to cancer, cardiovascular and maternal health and work-life balance. Knowledge on the health aspects of shift work has increased rapidly during the last few year, also due to new data from Nordic countries. Information on actions to alleviate the health consequences of demanding working hours are timely. Flexible working hour models in expert work have become more common and raise new questions and solutions for prevention.

General course fee and cancellation information

The courses and workshops vary in price. Please note that the course fee does not cover meals or accommodation. The course fee and day-package fee are invoiced after the registration deadline.

Travel arrangements

Please refrain from booking any travel tickets until we have confirmed the course. The confirmation, which will be sent at the latest after the registration deadline, will include detailed information on the payment of the course fee and day-packages, as well as information on practical arrangements. Please note that you are not insured by NIVA.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations received by April, 14th 2022: full refund
Cancellations received by April, 14th 2022 or later: no refund

The total price of the course will be invoiced after the registration deadline.

The price is subject to minor changes.

Contact person

Course leader

Mikko Härmä
Professor, MD, PhD
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health

In practical matters, please contact:

Project Manager and Communications Advisor
Linda Oksanen

Course leader

Mikko Härmä 1

Mikko Härmä

  • Professor, MD, PhD, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), FI

Course lecturers

Bjørn Bjorvatn

  • MD, PhD, Professor, University of Bergen; Director, Norwegian Competence Center for Sleep Disorders, Haukeland University Hospital, Norway

Anne Helene Garde

  • Professor, MSc, PhD, National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA/NRCWE), Copenhagen, Denmark
Johnni Hansen

Johnni Hansen

  • PhD, Danish Cancer Society, DK

Göran Kecklund

  • Professor, PhD, Stockholm University, SE

Henrik Kolstad

  • Professor, MD, PhD, Aarhus University, Denmark

Mikael Sallinen

  • PhD, Head of Program, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, (FIOH), FI

Philip Tucker

  • Associate Professor, PhD, Stockholm University, Sweden

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