WEBINAR: The Physical Activity Health Paradox
About this course
While leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) is considered among the best investments for good health, work ability and longevity, high levels of occupational physical activity (OPA) are shown to increase risks for poor health, work productivity loss and premature mortality. These opposing effects of physical activity constitute the physical activity health paradox (PA paradox).
Even though work is the main domain of physical activity worldwide, occupational physical activity is barely mentioned in the current physical activity guidelines. The guidelines recommend physical activity, but do not distinguish between LTPA and OPA. This lack of differentiation and communication regarding the benefits and risks of physical activity at work and leisure can be challenging for particularly workers and workplaces with manual work. The current physical activity recommendations and respective one-size-fits-all interventions might not be beneficial for prevention of ill health and sick leave, health promotion, work productivity, quality of life and longevity for millions of people worldwide
This course will:
- facilitate a better understanding of the PA paradox
- present the latest available evidence and potential mechanisms
- discuss the recent WHO guideline for physical activity and sedentary behavior and occupational health guidelines and recommendations
- debate how we can “bridge the gap” between research, practice and guidelines on PA in Occupational health, Public health, clinical and preventive practice
Background and introduction to the Physical Activity (PA) Paradox
Introducing the Paradox, Andreas Holtermann
Background and understanding of the Paradox, Niklas Krause
What is the current evidence, Pieter Coenen
What can explain the paradox?
Different physiological effects, David Hallman
Role of psychosocial factors, Els Clays
Public health and occupational guidelines
The 2020 WHO physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines for adults, Emmanuel Stamatakis
Occupational guidelines, recommendations and advice – Reflections on the Paradox, Leon Straker
Panel session – How to unite public health & occupational health PA Guidelines, key messages and practice
Physical activity at work – understanding, practice & examples
From a municipality perspective, Marie Birk Jørgensen
From a workplace perspective, Thomas Heilskov-Hansen
Reflections from a Health Authority, Tue Kristensen
Reflections from an Occupational Health Authority, Jørn Holm
Health-promoting interventions – what can be done?
How does a healthy manual job look like, Charlotte Lund Rasmussen
Changing the job – when and in which way, Svend Erik Mathiassen
Health-promoting interventions – what has been tried?
Workplace physical exercise for manual workers, why and how, Karen Søgaard
Can we design productive work, so it promotes workers’ health, Anders Fritz Lerche
Contact person
Course leader
Andreas Holtermann, Professor
National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark
email: aho@nfa.dk
In practical matters, please contact:
Project Manager
Morten Jakobsen
mobile: +358 40 126 3336
email: morten.jakobsen@niva.org