WEBINAR: Prolonging Working Life among Senior Workers

27th of May 2020
Online webinar

WEBINAR: Prolonging Working Life among Senior Workers 1

About the course

Due to demographic changes across Europe, there are strong political interests in maintaining the labour force by prolonging working life.

In this webinar professor Lars L. Andersen presents knowledge on push and stay factors for labour market participation among senior workers. He will also discuss how this knowledge can be used for practical purposes.

About the lecturer

Lecturer Lars L. Andersen is a professor at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark and part of the PEROSH project ‘Prolonging Working Life,’ a collaboration across 8 European countries aiming to determine push and stay factors for labour market participation of older workers across different European countries with different regulations and cultures.

He is also the course leader of NIVA’s upcoming three-day course on the same topic in September 2020. For more information see: https://niva.org/course/prolonging-working-life/

Course lecturer

Lars L. Andersen

  • Professor, National Research Centre for the Working Environment; Adjunct Professor, Aalborg University, Denmark

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