WEBINAR: Organizing Work to Promote Health, Well-being and Productivity

16th of June 2020
Online webinar

About this course

How can work be organized to promote health, well-being, productivity and efficiency? A recent literature review summarizes and describes current research on the organization of work (including organizational models) contributing to health and well-being, efficiency and productivity in work organizations. The review was carried out on behalf of Mynak, the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, and focuses mainly on the Swedish but also Nordic context.

In this webinar, the authors of the literature review present their results and discuss the implications of these. After the presentation, the webinar is open for questions from the audience.

About the lecturers

Professor Karolina Parding has a background in sociology and is currently based at the Department of Human Work Science at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. Her research interests mainly lie within the intersection between profession and organization, with a specific focus on public sector professions such as teachers and nurses. She examines working conditions among these groups of professionals. She has also lately started to focus on the issue of competence provision. For more information, click here.

Fredrik Sjögren holds a PhD in Gender and Technology and currently works as senior lecturer in Sociology and Human Work Science at Luleå University of Technology. His research mainly focus the relations and intersections between gender and technology, often within male dominated work organizations. Currently he is part of a project on Industry 4.0 and a project reviewing research on competence provision. For more information, click here.

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