WEBINAR: Improving Non-technical Safety Skills among Workers in Construction

1st of December 2020
Online webinar

About the webinar

Improving non-technical safety skills among workers in construction: Results, training and tools from the ESTEEM project

In this webinar, Professor Karina Nielsen from the University of Sheffield and Dr Kara Ng from the University of Manchester will present the results of the ESTEEM (European Safety Training and Evaluation supporting European Mobility) project, an ERASMUS+ funded project.

The project focused on migrant workers in construction as they have more injuries and accidents than native workers. Based on a review of the literature and focus groups and interviews with workers, supervisors, trainer and occupational health experts, we developed a training course using methods to facilitate learning with a particular focus on non-technical skills such as communication, teamwork, situational awareness and fatigue and stress management.

In the webinar, Karina and Kara will present the content of the training, the experiences of the training, which has been piloted in Spain and Italy and its effectiveness in terms of improving non-technical skills. They will also present the toolkit, which has been developed based on the experiences. The toolkit includes guidelines for workers, supervisors, trainers and occupational health practitioners.

To read more about the project, see https://esteem.group.shef.ac.uk/.

About the lecturers

Dr Kara Ng is a Presidential Fellow in Organisational Psychology at Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, UK. Prior to this, she was a postdoctoral research associate at the Institute of Work Psychology, where she worked on the ESTEEM Project and continues to do so. Her main research interests are understanding workplace bullying, behavioural ethics at work, and improving employee well-being. 

Karina Nielsen is Professor of Work Psychology and Director of the Institute of Work Psychology at the University of Sheffield, UK. Karina has 20 years of experiences in interventions aimed at improving the psychosocial work environment and training of workers and leaders. In particular, she has focused on the evaluation of interventions and how we can ensure training is transferred to the workplace.

Karina has published more than 100 scientific, peer-reviewed papers and book chapters and has won several awards for her research. Karina has run several NIVA courses on topics such as organisational restructuring and organisational intervention. 


Contact person

Linda Vänskä 3

Cecilia Weckman


Kara Ng

  • Dr., Presidential Fellow in Organisational Psychology, University of Manchester, UK

Karina Nielsen

  • Professor, University of Sheffield, UK

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