WEBINAR: Healthy Healthcare
About this webinar
Healthy Healthcare: Lessons Learned for Occupational Health Specialists and Researchers?
Many EU countries report difficulties in retaining and recruiting health staff with increasing long term predicted shortages.
We believe that generating knowledge from a healthy healthcare perspective considering the workers’ health and wellbeing in relation to quality of care, and organization of healthcare services, has a potential to lead to a more resource-efficient delivery of high-quality healthcare services performed by motivated, healthy and skilled workers.
Therefore, during the webinar we aim to:
- introduce the concept of Healthy Healthcare and how it relates to occupational health topics;
- to summarize relevant (applied) research on Healthy Healthcare; and
- to discuss the practical implications by HR professionals in healthcare,
- and end with new take-home messages for practitioners to further advance the application of these new insights into practice.
Webinar outline
The webinar will take place online, through Zoom, on Friday 22nd of January at 10:00-15:00 CET.
The preliminary program is to be found below.
The aim of this webinar is to summarize and discuss new insights presented in a recent published Springer Nature Book including multidisciplinary perspectives on Healthy Healthcare (Løvseth & De Lange, 2020), and a recent published special issue in Frontiers of Psychology (De Lange et al., 2020).
Furthermore, we listen to practical examples presented by HR professionals in healthcare and subsequently discuss with participants the scientific as well as practical implications of these new insights. What lessons learned do participants take away from these presentations and publications, and which lessons from practical situations can they also bring to the table during the webinar?
Subject background
Many EU countries report difficulties in retaining and recruiting health staff with increasing long term predicted shortages. To ensure efficiency and retainment of health care workers, it is important that they get to work in supported environments, with staffing levels that promote safe, high quality care. Unfortunately, there is a growing percentage of occupational health-related disorders reported among healthcare staff such as burnout and depression. These developments urge for finding relevant solutions to maintain and retain enough healthcare workers at work.
To resolve these difficult issues faced by healthcare workers we need new paradigms and related concepts. By investigating new integrative perspectives related to occupational health interventions, we may ensure better supportive environments in healthcare. Paying attention to the occupational health of healthcare workers seems to be a crucial factor in this new paradigm as the percentage of healthcare workers that report occupational health-related disorders such as burnout and depression has increased significantly the past few years.
The lecturers are all members of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, www.eaohp.org.