Non-standard employment in a Nordic context
— who are they and how is their work environment?

25th of May 2022
Online webinar

10-11 am CET (Central European Time)

About the webinar

Non-standard employment is often associated with unfavourable aspects including income and job insecurity, vulnerability, lack of right and temporary contracts as well as poor work environment, which in turn may affect workers health. But who are they and what do we know about their work environment?

With a trend towards more non-standard employment, knowledge is important for future preventions of possible negative consequences.

In this webinar, professor Anne Helene Garde and researcher Helena Breth Nielsen from the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark

will give a brief introduction on non-standard employment and present an overview of Nordic research on accidents, unwanted sexual attention, psychosocial and physical work environment.

Webinar outline

The webinar will take place on the 25th of May at 10-11 am CET (Central European Time).

After the lecture, participants will have time to ask questions related to the topic.

This webinar is also a short introduction to the upcoming NIVA course Non-standard employment, work environment and health that will take place in 2023.

NIVA 40 years

In 2022 NIVA celebrates 40 years of Nordic advanced education in occupational health and safety. During this celebration year, we will offer a series of webinars mirroring contemporary work life issues.

Welcome to join!

About the lecturers

Anne Helene Garde is professor at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark.

Anne’s research interests include investigating how the body responds to psychosocial work environments including working hours. Anne also focuses on the consequences of various forms of working time, including night work and non standard employment forms.

Helena Breth Nielsen is a researcher at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment in Denmark.

Helena is part of the research area in psychosocial work environment. Her research interests relate to epidemiological studies of working time in relation to health outcomes and safety. She is particularly interested in doing register-based studies and have, among other things, worked with the Danish Working Time Database (DAD).

Contact person

In practical matters, please contact:

Project Manager
Erika Grönlund

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