Assessment of Cancer Risk

4th – 6th of May 2021
Online course

About this course

The course aims to give an overview of current knowledge on occupational and environmental cancer, recent developments in methods for exposure classification and epidemiological analysis, use of biomarkers for exposure and effect, use of experimental test systems, risk assessment, and aspects of prevention.

This course has been accepted as a theoretical course (10 hours) demanded in the medical specialist education in the training programs of occupational health services at the University of Helsinki in Finland. The acceptance is valid for the specialist training programs at the Faculty of Medicine of all Finnish universities.

Main topics

  • Occupational and environmental cancer – overview and knowledge gaps
  • Biomarkers of exposure and effect of occupational and environmental carcinogens
  • Occupational exposure limits (OEL) for carcinogenic agents – EU, NEG, etc
  • Urban air pollution and cancer
  • Occupational and environmental cancer epidemiology – study design, bias, cofounding, dose-response
  • Investigation of accumulation of cancer cases
  • Cancer mechanisms – experimental systems, DNA damage and epigenetics
  • Molecular epidemiology and nanotoxicology
  • Risk assessment and risk management – hazard identification (IARC, Grade, SBU), hazard quantification (PAF, social costs) and hazard control
  • Emerging risks: Night-shift work and cancer
  • Emerging risks: Nanomaterial
  • Group work on OEL and EQS for carcinogens
  • Participants’ personal presentations on hot topics in occupational and environmental cancer.

Price information

The price of the course is EUR 50.
It is possible to pay by invoice and credit card.

Course objectives

  • Knowledge of methods for identification of carcinogens
  • Understand how exposure assessment is done
  • Understand how occupational exposure limits for carcinogens are determined
  • Understand how the risk of cancer is quantified by calculating dose-response relationships and how this can be used in estimations of life-time attributable risk
  • Be able to investigate accumulation of cancer cases

Target groups

Residents in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, occupational hygienists, epidemiologists, statisticians from OEM clinics, university departments in the Nordic countries, doctoral students.

Subject background

Today cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. According to WHO 19 % of all cancers are attributable to the environment, including work settings. In Europe, cancer is the leading cause of mortality and accounts for 53 % of all work-related deaths. The EU commission aims to improve the protection of workers against carcinogenic chemicals.

In order to improve cancer prevention, which is becoming increasingly important as the incidence of cancer increases, it is important that clinicians, researchers and other professionals working with cancer issues keep up with developments in the field. There is relatively good access to basic epidemiological methods, but there is a need for a wider dissemination of knowledge of new methodological achievements, both in terms of exposure classification and epidemiological analysis including biological markers of exposure and effect. The proposed course aims to cover this important area of knowledge.

General course fee and cancellation information

The courses and workshops vary in price. Please note that the course fee does not cover meals or accommodation. The course fee and day-package fee are invoiced after the registration deadline.

Travel arrangements

Please refrain from booking any tickets until we have confirmed the course. The confirmation, which will be sent after the registration deadline, will include detailed information on the payment of the course fee and day-packages, as well as information on accommodation options and practical arrangements. Please note that you are not insured by NIVA.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations received by April, 16th 2021: full refund
Cancellations received by April, 17th 2021 or later: no refund

The total price of the course will be invoiced after the registration deadline.

The price is subject to minor changes.

Contact person

Course leaders

Pernilla Wiebert, PhD, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine CAMM, Stockholm, Sweden

Per Gustavsson, Professor, Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Jonathan Lyström, MD, Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine CAMM, Stockholm, Sweden

In practical matters, please contact:

Project Manager

Cecilia Weckman
mobile: +358 40 1258 748

Course leaders

Pernilla Wiebert

  • PhD, Occupational hygienist, Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute and Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine CAMM, SE

Per Gustavsson

  • MD, Senior professor, Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, SE

Jonathan Lyström

  • MD, Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine CAMM, SE

Course lecturers

Karin Broberg

  • Professor, Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, SE

Maria Albin

  • Professor, MD, Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet and CAMM, SE
Johnni Hansen

Johnni Hansen

  • PhD, Danish Cancer Society, DK
Gunnar Johanson

Gunnar Johanson

  • Professor, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Anna Oudin

  • Assoc. Prof, Environment, Society and Health, Lund University / Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, SE

Håkan Tinnerberg

  • Assoc. Prof, Occupational and environmental Medicine, SE

Ulla Birgitte Vogel

  • Professor, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, DK

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