Occupational Health and Safety in Formal and Informal Mining
International Scientific Conference and Workshop on
“Occupational Health and Safety in Formal and Informal Mining”
Conference and Workshop Program
Event Organizers:
- ICOH Scientific Committee on Mining Occupational Safety and Health (SC MinOSH)
- Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health (NIVA)
The scientific program will cover major topics of interest related to current research and solution implementation in occupational health and safety (OHS) in mining. The conference aims to promote the dissemination of findings from local and global research. The conference and workshop will focus on health and safety issues, the work environment, and sustainable alternatives for reducing mining-related health effects and environmental pollution. The program will encompass presentations during the conference and special training on selected topics during the workshop.
Who should attend?
This event is aimed at researchers (junior and senior), occupational health practitioners working or interested in OHS in mining (health care workers, occupational/industrial hygienists, SHEQ managers and specialists), social security managers and representatives from governmental departments, regulatory authorities, employers, employee unions, industry, academic institutions and professional societies.
Conference Topics (22 to 24 August – 2,5 days)
- Surveillance, diagnosis and prevention of occupational diseases and injuries
- Occupational diseases in Mining – Noise induced hearing loss, musculoskeletal disorders, pulmonary diseases, stress, toxic effects of hazardous substances (e.g. heavy metals, chemical, dusts), cancer
- Special health issues affecting women and children in Mining – Intoxication, adverse effects on reproductive health and early-life development, child labour
- Community health – Effects of pollution and exposure to hazardous substances in mining communities, worldwide
- Working conditions and safety in formal and informal Mining
- Exposures, hazards and prevention
Workshop Topics (24 to 25 August – 1,5 days)
The workshops will provide in-depth information (theoretical and practical) on some of the more relevant issues in OHS in mining, by means of sharing experiences, case studies and practical guidelines for prevention.
- Pneumoconiosis
- Toxic effects of exposure to heavy metals
- Practical tools and methods for prevention
The conference will bring together keynote speakers from universities, social partners and industry, providing opportunities for learning and sharing experiences, collaborating and networking.
Speakers are:
Dr. Jukka Takala / Dr. Marilyn Fingerhut– ICOH Presidency
Dr. Bengt Järvholm – Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden.
Dr. Maria Albin – Occupational Medicine, Stockholm City Council and Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Dr. Emanuele Cauda – NIOSH, USA.
Dr. Helmut Ehnes – ISSA Mining, Germany
Dr. Raúl Harari – Institute for the Development of Production and Work Environment, Ecuador.
Dr. Tushar K Joshi – Supreme Court commissioner for Silicosis, Government of India for Mining Sector, India
Dr. David Walters – Cardiff Work Environment Research Centre, Cardiff University, UK
Dr. Peter Appel – Appel consult, Denmark
Dr. Richard Gutierrez – Bantoxics, Canada.
Dr. Pál Weihe – Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, and Department of Occupational Medicine and Public Health, The Faroese Hospital System.
Dr. Ulrich Meesmann – President of ISSA Mining, Germany
Partial Sponsorship for Students and Young Researchers from Developing Countries
The Conference Organizers will endeavor to secure funding which will be allocated towards partial sponsorship of students and young researchers (less than 35 years of age) from developing countries, with outstanding abstracts that have been accepted for presentation.
Should funding allow, the Conference Organizers will consider applications from participants from developing countries who are older than 35 years of age, and not students.
For details on how to apply for partial sponsorship to attend the conference and workshop, please see Scholarship criteria.
Abstract Book
The Scientific Program Committee of the Joint ICOH SC MinOSH and NIVA “International Scientific Conference and Workshop on Occupational Health and Safety in Formal and Informal Mining” has invited authors to submit abstracts for presentation at the Conference, to be held in Odense, Denmark, 22nd to 25th of August 2017.
Please find the Abstract Book here.